JRB - Quotes

Hilarious quotes from JRB

List of favorite quotes by JRB

I’ll give that the attention it deserves. 1

There’s a METH to my madness

That joke was like a cheap circumcision… A complete rip off.

All exits lead to the gift shop, my man.

Your Honor, this was NOT an orgy. It was a free-range bodily fluid ideation session. 2

I’m wrapping presents. I HATE wrapping presents. Mine look like IED’s when I’m finished. Or after an origami art therapy class at a Parkinson’s Clinic. 3

  1. Stated sarcastically about nearly anything non-urgent / idiotic. ↩︎

  2. No clue. ↩︎

  3. Wrapping gifts for the kids. ↩︎